Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rest Day at High Camp

It was a day of rest for the team. They called in this evening to let us know all is well at 17,200 feet. The tents are well protected behind walls of snow and the activities today revolved around reading and eating. Preparations are being made for the big push to the summit tomorrow, so stay tuned to see if tomorrow proves to be summit day. Think happy weather thoughts.


  1. Good luck today, Steve! You should be in great shape for our climb up Pikes Peak next weekend with Peter and Amy. See you soon - Cindy.

  2. You're almost there Lance!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Steve -
    We've been following your progress online everyday. It sounds like you are having a great climb! Good luck with your push to the summit.
    (Did you remember to piggyback the party sled to your other sled? You might want those fireworks on top!) We can't wait to hear about your trip.
    Amy & Peter
